World Animal Day food donating campaign by Mars Balkan East company in Serbia – Kampanja doniranja hrane kompanije Mars Balkan East
On the occasion of World Animal Day, the company Mars – with its brands Whiskas and Pedigree – continued the beautiful tradition of collecting food for abandoned animals and shelters in Serbia, in cooperation with Maxi stores and supermarkets. After the purchase, anyone can leave food in specially marked boxes located in Maxia’s facilities, and it will be forwarded to asylums that need help.
Povodom Svetskog dana životinja kompanija Mars – sa njenim brendovima Whiskas i Pedigree- nastavila je lepu tradiciju prikupljanja hrane za napuštene životinje i azile u Srbiji, a u saradnji sa Maxi prodavnicama i supermarketima. Hranu nakon kupovine bilo ko može ostaviti u posebno obeleženim kutijma koje se nalaze u objektima Maxija, a ista će biti prosleđena azilima kojima je potrebna pomoć.
- Contact Name: Mars Balkan East
- Contact Email:
- Organised by: Mars Balkan East and Maxi supermarkets