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World Animal Day marked by art show at Bopiliao Historical Block/ WAD on-line cause-Taipei

1. Large-scale and interactive art installations from two Taiwan architects draw attention to animal care.

2. an on-going on-line cause to support animal rights (already signed by celebrities led by Taipei mayor Dr. Ko, singers, politicians, arhitects, academics, artists, youtubers… signed by people from all walks of life!) 

In addition to the art show, we have also initiated an on-line cause to make people aware of animal rights (in Mandarin). LINK: https://sites.google.com/view/oneworldonelove?fbclid=IwAR1Fo8v4PMk-SRmI-E6ZgKR-zE53ThTHLH8UhCUVsNZbYSguQcgrCcqMVOs

Look who have signed up– https://www.facebook.com/smallasbigforlove/photos/a.426799694607369/426799714607367/?type=3&theater

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