“臺北世界動物日”2017 World Animal Day-Taiwan
- 4th October 2017
- 12:00 am
- 12:00 am
☆more than 30 Animal protection organization and Environmental protection organization join with us
☆wildlife protection
☆natural habitat protection
☆marine conservation
☆Free adoption (dogs and cats)
「世界動物日」的發展已超越了國家、種族和宗教等界限。去年由”中華亞洲環境生態護育交流協會”(以下簡稱亞護會)舉辦,並讓台灣成為全世界第一個有直轄市市長參與的國家。 對於文明、動物保護法完善、以及公民們對生命都發自內心尊重的先進國家,世界動物日的氣氛是輕鬆愉快的,因為尊重生命的認知與觀念自他們小時候就已經深植在心中,但對於台灣的動物們來說卻是稍微沉重的,因為不當對待動物的行為每天還是在不同角落發生。
World Animal Day is a world wide event over countries, races, and religions. Last year, we took place a fair in the grand Park, Taipei, Taiwan, with mayor’s participation. To those countries whose most civilians respect lives, World Animal days is just like a carnival, people get together to celebrate; however it’s quite heavy to us because there are still lots of animal abuse cases in Taiwan everyday.
As a result, we believe it’s our duty to let our next generations to understand the value of lives, and how should we respect and protect them.
另外我們與永豐銀行、So-net 、PostPet 、大安森林公園之友基金會共同舉辦了著色比賽,繪圖紙上的主角全都是曾生活在這塊土地上動物們:國鳥藍鵲、台北的大橘子、斑斑、高雄的小白、河馬阿河、龍王鯛、石虎、穿山甲、眼鏡蛇、彌猴、斷掌的黑熊等等…
We are very lucky that we have Sino-Pac Bank, So-Net, PostPet, and Da-ann Park Foundation to take place a painting contest, in order to memorized those lives by telling the stories to children while they are drawing.
This is an event that took place by many volunteers. We designed special games for children and their parents to explain what had been happen, and how should we prevent it in the future. Also the main purpose why we doing so.
Welcome to join us
- Contact Name: Lianna Tso
- Contact Number: 8.86971E+11
- Contact Email: a0970888081@gmail.com
- Location: Taipei
- Organised by: Lianna Tso