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World Animal Day at TBSC

My love for animals has led me to diffuse the message of World Animal Day in my school, The British School of Caracas, in Venezuela.

Animals in our country are suffering a lot due to the economic circumstances, as food is often very scarce and very expensive. To encourage children and adults to be more aware of animal welfare in Venezuela, I have invited two guest speakers to give a conference at our school on Tuesday the 3rd of October.

Furthermore, I have also organized a collection of animal food (mainly dog food and cat food), and have asked all members of school to contribute, no matter how small the contribution is. I will then give this food to the association I am working with, called “Asociacion Civil Proyecto Mascota”, which will then distribute the food to its operational modules around the city so that animals may be able to eat.

In addition to that, I have also asked the community to donate empty plastic containers, which are used by the association to wash dogs, use them as food bowls, etc. Next year, I hope to incorporate more schools in the city into World Animal Day Celebrations.

World Animal Day at TBSC went very well. All of the students attended the conference I organized, and although it was brief, it informed the community what they could do to improve animal welfare in our community. Furthermore, the food collection I organized was succesful, managing to collect over 20kg of dog food, which will hopefully help many dogs around the area. Next year, I hope that we can integrate more schools and collect more food to deepen our impact in the community.

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