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Fur Free Forever

News item supplied by Maida Šabeta: sabeta.maida@gmail.com 

On 5th May, the inaugural march of the Fur Free Campaign of South Eastern Europe will take place in 5 capital cities: Budapest, Sofia, Belgrade, Sarajevo and Podgorica. 

A group of animal welfare organisations, dedicated to helping animals kept at fur farms, have united to organise what will become an annual event. The organisers are: Hungarian Anti-Fur League, Bulgarian CAAI, Bosnian No Fur Coalition, Serbian Freedom for Animals and Montenegrin Korina Animals.  

The southern European region is extremely vulnerable. Serbian and Bosnian fur farmers work for the Hungarian company Wanger for whom they breed and electrocute chinchillas to make fur coats and trims. 

Bulgaria has 120,000 American mink kept at three large fur farms. Farms from western Europe have moved into this region because of the corrupt and ‘easy going’ legal systems. Hungary is full of illegal chinchilla farms and we believe it’s only a matter of time before farms open to breed other animals for fur such as foxes, angora rabbits, etc. 

Bosnia and Herzegovina faced up to this corruption in 2017 and introduced a fur farming ban which was supposed to come into force on 1st January 2018. Shamefully, strong involvement and pressure from the fur lobby, Fur Europe and Hungarian Wanger, successfully persuaded the Bosnian Parliament to postpone the ban which violated the country’s constitution and principles of law. 

Now, the Serbian ban is under threat. The exact same lobby moved to the country in order to try and cancel, postpone or amend the legal ban, which is scheduled to come into force on 1st January 2019. 

For more information, please contact Maida Šabeta: sabeta.maida@gmail.com

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