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Positive habits to keep practising Post Lockdown

It’s fair to say that lockdown has changed people. Being largely confined to our homes, many people have had to alter their attitudes and way of life.

However, alongside the difficulties and tragedies many have faced, there have been some unexpectedly positive natural outcomes. Across the world, air pollution has plummeted due to reduced travel; rivers and waterways have become cleaner; and animals have reclaimed beaches that once were crowded by tourists. 

Like most people, I have wished at times, that things could return to ‘normal’ but I have changed my mind. Instead of longing for what was, I hope for something better.

I hope that we don’t immediately rush out and return to polluting our rivers, cities and beaches, but value the knowledge we have learnt from lockdown.

Now that lockdown is beginning to be lifted (in the UK) here are a couple of suggestions of how we can continue to protect our world as restrictions continue to lift.

  1. Grow your own produce

Whether you have always had green fingers or just wanted to try something new, many of us have found that growing our own produce has been very rewarding. You may have littered your garden with potential plants and seeds or have simply created a lovely little herb bed, but it is important to continue to give your plants care and attention after lockdown ends. After all, being outside is not only beneficial to your health and wellbeing, but it also provides nutritious, plastic-free produce for you to enjoy.

  1. Take a Staycation rather than travelling abroad

I recently moved to a new area prior to lockdown so have thoroughly enjoyed exploring all the new places around me. However, on my walks, I’ve often been amazed to hear (in socially distanced conversations) that people who have lived their whole lives in one place have only just discovered new places to walk around them. Though we may often complain about the weather in the UK, lockdown has emphasised how many amazing places there are near us. Therefore, I propose that, instead of flying abroad this year, you take a chance and make the most of a Great British summer staycation.

  1. Be conscious about what your food waste

Last year, a study by vouchercodes.co.uk revealed that £9.7 billion worth of food was wasted in the UK. Month after month we throw out tons of food and condemn it to landfill. However, lockdown has provided a valuable resource to combat this waste, time. With many looking forward to their weekly shop – as well as having to be more cautious with money – people have bought what they needed rather than everything they wanted.

Please try to actively continue practicing this behaviour after lockdown! Also why not try out some new and healthy recipes which may include less meat.

  1. Don’t Flash Purchase

We live in a world where it is normally incredibly easy to either pop out to the shops to buy something, or to order something online at our slightest whim. During lockdown this has been slightly limited. For a couple of weeks we had to take a moment to consider our purchases, whether due to necessity or monetary reasons, before immediately buying them. This may not be the case after lockdown ends, but I would you encourage you to actively continue this behaviour and ask yourself to consider what you are buying.

The last few months have been difficult, but I am certain that we can come out of lockdown healthier, more aware and more understanding than before.

Guest blog by Ilona Cabral

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