Terms & Conditions
Using this website
Use of the World Animal Day website is subject to and constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. World Animal Day reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time by revising this document online. Your continued use of this website after changes have been made will mean that you accept the modified Terms and Conditions.
Copyright restrictions
Commercial use of any material is prohibited without prior written authorisation from World Animal Day. Resources may be copied for private study or educational use, provided that:
- You do not modify the material
- You also print and copy indicators of copyright and source
- You do not use it in a derogatory or misleading context
Some photographs are displayed on this site with the permission of the relevant copyright owners. Permission to copy them must be requested from the copyright owners. Use of World Animal Day material is subject to a MANDATORY credit. Except as allowed above, no part of this website may be reproduced in any form, stored in a database or retrieval system, or transmitted or distributed in any form by any means without prior written permission from World Animal Day or Naturewatch Foundation.
External sites
We take no responsibility for the content of external sites. Websites we link to that are owned and operated by third parties do not have our approval or endorsement.
Although all attempts have been made to ensure accuracy of content and uninterrupted secure functioning of the World Animal Day website, we will not accept liability for any loss or damage occurring as a result of your use of this website.
Name & registered office:
For the Advancement of Animal Welfare
49 Rodney Road
GL50 1HX
United Kingdom
Registered in England
Registered Charity Number 1039679