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World Animal Day Animal Photographer of the Year 2020

Get snapping for World Animal Day on October 4!

As part of our World Animal Day celebrations on October 4 this year, we will be opening our home page banner to photographers of all abilities!

Have you taken an inspiring photo of an animal that you’re really proud of?

Maybe you’ve snapped an unusual visitor to your garden during lockdown?

Send it to us and we’ll share it, along with your name (and photography website, if you have one).

We will feature a selection of your images on the website banner from September 5 to October 5, with four outstanding images rotating on October 4 itself, when our website traffic is at its busiest.

What’s in it for you?

The #WorldAnimalDay hashtag will go viral on October 4, bringing a huge number of international visitors to the home page of our website. YOUR photo will be seen by thousands of people around the world! It could be great publicity, especially for a budding shutterbug, fledgling photography business or animal welfare organisation.

The images will also be shared on our social media channels, further increasing their audience.

  • In 2019, the hashtag, #WorldAnimalDay, trended in 56 countries – an increase of 20 from 2018! We want to make it even bigger this year!
  • #WorldAnimalDay reached 39 million people around the world!
  • The Spanish hashtag, #DiaMundialDeLosAnimales, also trended. Other translations included Hindi, French, Italian, German, Chinese and Greek.


  1. You must solely own the image and copyright.
  2. The image must be provided for World Animal Day to use free of charge. World Animal Day is coordinated by Naturewatch Foundation, a UK-based animal welfare charity. By emailing your photo to us, you agree to its usage on both websites (worldanimalday.org.uk and www.naturewatch.org), as well as our social media channels and any promotional materials, such as leaflets. Images will, of course, be credited to the photographer.
  3. Your photograph should abide by the following animal welfare guidelines:
    • Photos may feature animals from any species – companion animals, wild animals, marine animals, birds, insects etc.
    • Wild animals should be in their natural environment – not in cages, aquariums, wildlife parks etc. They should not be kept as ‘exotic pets’.
    • You should not be pictured touching or feeding a wild animal – please follow World Animal Protection’s Selfie Code.
    • Animals should not be restrained with ropes, chains etc.
    • Animals should not be dressed in clothing (other than standard dog coats or for medicinal or welfare purposes).
    • They should not be shown performing tricks or other entertainment.
    • They should not be photographed in risky or potentially harmful situations.
    • They, and their habitat, should not be disturbed for a photograph.
    • Catch animals’ natural behaviour, rather than posing them.
    • Images should be respectful and not ridicule animals.
    • We understand that unpleasant images are often used to highlight animal welfare issues. However, for this project, photos should represent a positive, happy image of animals.
  4. Animal welfare organisations are welcome to submit images of animals in their care.
  5. Please do not send composite images or those with excessive post-production.
  6. Full colour images would be preferred.
  7. Due to potential GDPR issues, please do not feature people (including children) in your photograph.
  8. This opportunity is open to all countries.
  9. You may submit more than one photo if they all abide by the above guidelines.
  10. Depending on the number of photos submitted, some images may be repeated on the website banner and social media.
  11. Images will be selected by the World Animal Day HQ team.

How to enter:

Please send good quality png or jpeg images (without watermarks) to claire@worldanimalday.org.uk with a clear subject line.


Thursday September 3, 2020 – 11:59


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