Debbie Henry is the creator and founder of the ‘Pawtectors’, a Youth Humane Education Organisation based in the USA.

The tragic shooting of Debbie’s beloved barn cat by an 11-year-old neighbour, simply angry at his parents, prompted the creation of Pawtectors.

The Mission of the PAWTECTORS is to:

  • Teach & inspire animal compassion in youth everywhere
  • Teach & cultivate responsible pet ownership to all kids
  • Empower youth/teens to know they CAN be the “voice for those who cannot speak”
  • Provide opportunities for compassionate youth to help homeless animals in their community
  • Create & cultivate WIN-WIN volunteer/philanthropy life-skills for our PawSquad members

The Pawtectors are a year-round online humane education program for youth ages 5-17, promoting their 4 C’s:   Compassion, Classes, Community, and Collaboration.

The values they empower their Pawtectors’ Pawsquad members with are:

  • The POWER to LOVE all animals.
  • The POWER to show COMPASSION for pets & homeless/stray/wild animals.
  • The POWER of COMMUNITY connecting Pawtector Superheroes around the world
  • The POWER of sharing STORIES of kids making a difference for animals.

Their motto is “Compassion for Animals = Compassion for Humans = Compassion for All!”   

Join The Pawtectors in helping the next generation create a kinder world for everyone, especially animals!

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