Gaia World Tour 2 – 24h Live Broadcasting
On October 3rd and 4th, the online festival Gaîa World Tour will present more than 24 hours of live talks about biodiversity and ecosystems preservation with the participation of personalities such as the Dalai Lama, Jane Goodall, Thomas Lovejoy Carlos Vives, or Paul Watson.
Coinciding with World Animal Day, Gaîa World Tour will be held live for everyone around the world on Facebook and YouTube. Scientists, artists, activists and philanthropists will broadcast from different parts of the planet with the mission of offering a positive message about the natural beauty of the planet, it’s biodiversity, animal intelligence, biomimicry, the care of primary forests, of marine species and ancestral cultures.
Amongst many other outstanding speakers there will be his holiness the Dalaï Lama in “A new point of view about animals” with Sofia Stril Rever, conferences as “A point on a global scale” with the popular primatologist and anthropologist Dr. Jane Goodall (Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace), “Ocean Animals” with Paul Watson and Lamya Essemlali (president of Sea Sheperd France), “The Asiatic Biodiversity” with National Geographic explorer Prasenjeet Yadav, or “Animals of Colombia” held by o2 Reserve with guests as musician Carlos Vives and founder Toya Montoya.
Besides, the event will present the launch of a new app called Wild Angel, which will allow the user to become an ambassador for natural reserves around the world, participating in helping to preserve wildlife habitats.
After more than 2 million reproductions of the recent company streamings with Les Mondes d’Après during the quarantine and the first Gaia World Tour that was held in June, the online event returns to offer the image of a world in constant evolution, aware of its problems, and where creativity, access to knowledge and reflection are the driving forces of action to take care of the planet.
- Contact Name: Christian Len Rosal
- Contact Number: 34619472687
- Contact Email: communications@woomoonibiza.com
- Location: Paris
- Organised by: Les Mondes d' Apres