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Little Friends for Animals

This year, our annual World Animal Day event under the title “Little Friends for Animals” took place on Friday, October 2, at the public elementary school “25. novembar” Velika Kladuša. Pupils of Ia, Ib, and Va grade first had a cinema hour with juice and cookies, where they watched great cartoons such as “Tom & Jerry”, “Little Flying Bears”, and tunes from Disney’s “Little Siren”, and then they went to the sports hall for a special dance to “Duck Dance” for all the parents, teachers, and other citizens of Velika Kladuša.world animal day The atmosphere was filled with excitement and joy of first graders who celebrated World Animal Day for the first time, and after the dance they presented an art exhibition on the topic of animals in the school hall.
But that’s not all: Va grade pupila joined the world initiative of World Animal Day selfies with the pledge for animals, and pupil Ella Kajtezović, besides her art works, wrote a special song about taking care of animals for this day.
world animal dayTeachers Nerma Huskić, Enver Omanović, Edina Dizdarević and Ilhana Škrgić, who is also the World Animal Day Ambassador for Bosnia and Herzegovina, prepared this lovely event and helped develop the natural love for animals in their pupils. Thank you so much!
Once again, despite the hard situation surrounding the town and the whole country, World Animal Day was celebrated in Bosnia and Herzegovina and is a positive sign of a shift in the traditional view of animals. They are our companions through life and have equal rights to be on this Earth, and our pupils are the ones who will create a better future, not just for people, but for animals too!

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