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Announcing the winners of the 2020 World Animal Day Grant

We are delighted to share the winners of the 2020 World Animal Day grant!

The annual grant, which is sponsored by Naturewatch Foundation, is open to applications from World Animal Day Ambassadors around the globe. It is restricted to applications for non-emergency projects being undertaken in the applicant’s own country.


This year, we have awarded the grant to TWO deserving winners! Both projects will have a significant and direct impact on animal welfare in their communities.

Himalayan Animal Rescue Trust (HART), Pokhara, Nepal

HART is led by Khageshwaar Sharma, who has been an active World Animal Day Ambassador for 15 years.

world animal day

One of HART’s aims is to humanely control the street and community dog population through a structured programme of survey, catch, vaccinate, neuter and release. Sadly, the alternative methods in the region are illegal strychnine poisoning or harmful contraceptives.

The project:

The grant will allow HART to continue the annual neutering camps they have been running in the eastern regions of Nepal since 2012.

Nepalese municipalities are responsible for street dogs and are, therefore, willing to collaborate with HART to humanely control their local dog populations. First, the team will head to Siddhicharan Municipality – an area they have not previously visited. They will then undertake over 30 hours of driving on hazardous roads to reach their second destination – Dudhkunda Municipality.

In total, HART aims to neuter at least 200 dogs.

world animal day

The organisation has a holistic approach, which does not focus solely on neutering. During their camps, they will also:

  • Run a school programme to inform the next generation of the need to look after animals and how to do it.
  • Give information on rabies, vaccinations and how to avoid being bitten.
  • Advise on the importance of routine deworming.
  • Provide veterinary care for sick animals.

Khageshwaar says, “Vet care in this area of Nepal is in its infancy and currently consists mainly of HART’s temporary clinics… without humane options, locals are tempted to control dog numbers themselves by whatever methods they can find.”

Animed Arad, Arad, Romania

Experienced veterinarian, Claudiu Iosim, founded his charity, Animed Arad, in 2001, which runs alongside his private practice. He enthusiastically participated in World Animal Day for many years, prior to becoming one of our Ambassadors in Romania.

world animal day

Animed Arad is the only animal welfare charity in the city that runs a trap-neuter-return programme.

The organisation’s goal is to create a “a future in which there are no more unwanted dogs and cats that suffer on the streets”.

Claudiu is passionate about preventing the uncontrolled breeding and abandonment of thousands of pups and kittens, including in Santana, a city just over 16 miles from Arad.

Parts of the community are extremely poor, living on 100 Euros, or less, each month – they cannot afford to have their free-roaming dog or cat neutered or spayed. This leads to numerous unwanted puppies and kittens being born and abandoned.

The project

Animed Arad will spay 100 dogs and cats over just a few days, including both strays and animals from low-income homes. In a small town of only around 13,000 residents, this will make a huge difference. Crucially, Claudiu has the full support of city hall.

world animal day

He says, “The impact of the project is the difference between streets with strays on them and streets without the offspring of 100 females who give birth to 3-12 pups or kittens, twice every year.”

The winning projects will have a significant and lasting, positive impact upon the welfare of animals in the targeted areas. World Animal Day is proud to collaborate with such experienced and dedicated Ambassadors.

Read about previous winners.


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